Open Science

Open Science

Open science, or research transparency, come about from the free and open sharing of the research process, and when readers can check for themselves the content and findings generated during research. The process of transparency, and its supporting elements of reproducibility and replicability, are key to the independent verification of scientific claims.

The AIDE Lab is committed to open-science practices in all of its projects. As part of this commitment, Drs. Josephson and Michler are both Catalysts at the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS). Each member of the AIDE Lab has attended the BITSS Research Transparency and Reproducibility Trainings (RT2) to ensure the lab is instituting best practices when it comes to documentation of data, code, methods, and results.

As part of this commitment, the AIDE Lab makes data and code from all of its projects available via public repositories. It maintains an Open Science Foundation (OSF) project page where information about the Lab's policies and standards can be found.

In addition to its commitment to open science practices for its research projects, the Lab engages in research on research methods in economics.