Research Internship in Data Analysis and Applied Economics

As part of our commitment to training and mentoring the next generation or researchers we are pleased to offer undergraduate internships, with the generous sponsorship of the Resilience Internships and Student Experience (RISE) Program. These internships allow for mentoring in a small-group setting by AIDE Lab members on how to formulate a research question and how to conduct data analysis in applied economics.

Interns work in small teams to develop their own research question, generate hypotheses, and use real-world data to address these questions and hypotheses. Interns gain valuable experience in data science/analytics by analyzing data from various AIDE Lab projects, including from the World Bank’s High-Frequency Phone Surveys on COVID-19, in order to answer a specific research question. They also engage in replication projects using the Social Science Reproduction Platform. Throughout the internship, students gain experience in writing their own code for analysis (in either Stata or R), as well as gain experience in research communication. Internships with the AIDE Lab provide valuable experience for students looking to work as a data analyst, economist, or policy researcher after graduation, or looking to continue their academic studies in graduate school. The internship experience was run by Lorin Rudin-Rush in 2022 and Chandrakant Agme in 2023.

Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Interns

Taylor Headshot

Jacob Taylor

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Research Intern in Data Analysis and Applied Economics

Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Interns